Would you like a unique DiSC-based tool to keep DiSC alive in your organization? If so, use the DiSC Action Planners to Extend the Power of DiSC.
All of the action planners are available in a paper format or an online format. If you choose to use the online action planners, you can send them electronically through your EPIC Account!
DiSC Action Planners help people take the insights gained from DiSC and apply them to specific business applications. These concise, four- to six-page action planners provide a simple, cost-effective way to help employees focus on DiSC behaviors to learn how to interact more effectively with others and develop plans for achieving their goals. Choose from any of the following action planners:
DiSC Sales Action Planners are used to help sales people recognize potential customers' styles and choose the right selling strategy. They can also be used as a guide when preparing for a sales presentation.
DiSC Management Action Planners can be used to help managers recognize the styles of the people they manage and choose the right management strategy. They help managers plan actions to direct and support others. Additionally, they can be used whenever a manager prepares for interacting with an employee.
DiSC Customer Service Action Planners can be used to help customer service professionals recognize their customers' styles, choose the right servicing strategy, and adapt to the customer's style. They include tips on how to plan, initiate, and interact with the customer.
DiSC Managing Performance Action Planners are used to help managers recognize others' styles and choose the right management approach for managing performance. They help managers plan actions to direct and support another's performance. Additionally, they can be used whenever a manager prepares for interacting with a subordinate about his or her performance.
The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited
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