Oct 29, 2008

Establishing Effective Communication Channels

I recently had a conversation with a DiSC Trainer who was concerned about an upcoming DiSC Training she had scheduled. The team was experiencing some conflict and upon reviewing their completed profiles (they used the DiSC Classic 2.0 Online Profile), she could see why. Everyone was a high D or C. When I was talking with her about the session, it reminded me of a great article that identifies the success of working with a team very similar to hers. I decided to share it with you...

DiSC training helps establish Effective Communication Channels

Do any of you have success stories or testimonials to share? If so, please feel free to post in a comment below, or try out our new service – write your own testimonial to be posted on our site!

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

Oct 17, 2008

It's All About Personality: DiSC Drivers

Communication works only from one member of "us" to another. Communication in organization—and this may be the true lesson of our communication failure and the true measure of our communication need—is not a means of organization. It is the mode of organization. —Peter F. Drucker, 1973

I think as trainers and users of DiSC, we all love to learn more about the tools, including ways they are used and how to most effectively use them. With the release of the new Everything DiSC Application Library, a new DiSC model is introduced. The new circular model is simple and intuitive, but it conveys a great deal of information about a person’s DiSC Profile at a glance.

In light of new knowledge, I want to share a great article with you. It’s called It’s All About Personality: DiSC Drivers.

Do you have any feedback or success stories about ways YOU have used the DiSC Application Library (Everything DiSC Classic, Everything DiSC Management, or Everything DiSC Sales)? If so, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to post...

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

Everything DiSC Management Featured in Training Magazine!

The newest facilitation System from Inscape Publishing, Everything DiSC Management, has recently been featured in Training Magazine! The featured article is located in the Products & Services section of Manage Smarter.

Training Mag writes, “Inscape Publishing, a provider of assessment-driven classroom learning solutions, launched Everything DiSC Management. Through the use of a research-validated online assessment, six hours of classroom facilitation, video, and a 26-page personalized management-specific report, the course is designed to teach managers how to adapt their styles to maximize employee effectiveness.” Click here to read the entire article.

For more information about Everything DiSC Management and other Inscape Publishing training materials, please visit us at http://www.resourcesunlimited.com/.

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

Sep 29, 2008

Celebrity DiSC Styles & DiSC Humor

It’s a busy time in the news these days with the upcoming election. One thing that I love to do when the news starts to flair up is to try and decipher the behavioral styles of the people that I see on TV. It can be a movie star, a TV show character, or your local news anchorperson! Doing this little personal DiSC exercise proves to be very entertaining to me. Here are some examples of public figures that we have analyzed:

¨ High D’s

o David Letterman
o Tiger Woods

¨ High i’s

o Oprah Winfrey
o Jay Leno

¨ High S’s

o Mother Theresa
o Martin Luther King

¨ High C’s

o Woody Allen
o Martha Stewart

I would love to hear about your predictions about the following political figures’ DiSC behavioral styles! Please post your responses in a comment!

¨ Hillary Clinton
¨ John McCain
¨ Barack Obama
¨ George W. Bush

Another thing I love to do is read through some DiSC Humor. For example:

Getting on a busy elevator…

¨ The D walks up, gets on the elevator, and pushes the button that closes the door.
¨ The i lets other in, says “Always room for one more,” and “Come in, you’re going to be late; we’ll wait for you!”
¨ The S will wait in line, moving from one line to another, appearing unable to make a decision.
¨ The C will get on the elevator. If it’s crowded, the C will count the number of people and, if the number is over the limit, will make someone get off.

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

Sep 25, 2008

Shifting DiSC Styles

On one of our recent DiSConference calls, Judy Zitzloff introduced an AWESOME exercise! It certainly ranks in my top 3 to date… I want to share it with everyone because of the diversity of the activity. It can be used in several situations, including the following:

  • Teambuilding
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Adapting to Change
  • Problem Solving

I have attached this great DiSC exercise for you to try in your next session. Please feel free to post your successes, or other exercises that you have found valuable and want to share.

P.S. If you need a list of the DiSC trainer tools available for use, click here. All of the tools mentioned in your Everything DiSC Facilitation System are available on the DiSC trainer tools page.

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

Aug 27, 2008

Congrats to ASTD Central Iowa Chapter!

ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the world's largest association for training and development professionals.

This month ASTD recognized the 60-year-old Central Iowa Chapter as ASTD Chapter of the Month.

To join ASTD Central Iowa, visit http://www.astdiowa.org.

-Barbara Stennes, Resouces Unlimited President and CEO
ASTD Iowa Chapter Past-President and Board Member for 5 years

Jul 30, 2008

New DiSC Profile Helps Managers Bring Out the Best in Every Employee

We're very excited about the latest DiSC training program from Inscape Publishing's "Everything DiSC" series.

The Everything DiSC Management Profile provides a 26-page report that helps managers understand themselves, their employees, and their own bosses.

Everything DiSC Management focuses on 5 important areas of management:

  1. Your DiSC Management Style

  2. Directing and Delegating

  3. Motivation

  4. Developing Others

  5. Working with YOUR Manager

Clients are raving about the customization options Everything DiSC Management offers.

The profile itself is EPIC-based so you can run it right from your own EPIC Account. This allows you to remove or rearrange pages, print only selected sections, or customize the report title.

For example, you could alter the report cover to say, "XYZ Company Management Report" rather than the default title "Everything DiSC Management."

The Everything DiSC Management Facilitation System includes 6 one-hour modules, fully-scripted facilitation with interactive learning activities, facilitator notes, participant handouts, research information, and engaging video built right into the PowerPoint presentation.

Get the full details about Everything DiSC Management at http://www.resourcesunlimited.com/.

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

Jun 9, 2008

A DiSC Question - I'm Stumped!!

Last week I had a great question about the DiSC Profile, specifically the word version. Here is the DiSC question I received:

When looking at the DiSC report on the page with the graph that shows the tally box scoring, what does the column “N” mean? Here is an example of what I am asking to learn more about:

DiSC Tally BoxMost 12 6 4 5 1
Least 2 5 12 9 0
Different 10 1 -8 -4

This DiSC question stumped me! I had never heard it before in my 5 ½ years with Resources Unlimited! After some research and a conversation with the publisher, I had an answer. I decided that it is definitely one to be shared. Here is the response I sent:

In all psychological assessments, the null value is used to “level the playing field” for all of the scales. The values that are null (N) do not get measured by any of the scales. An example of this could be the word “happy.” Let’s say that happy would be an “i” word. Well, just because “unhappy” is the opposite, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is a characteristic of a high “C.” In other words, the word might fit in a “most” category, but not in a “least.” They recommended that you review the research report below. Page 13 was specifically noted…


Has anyone else ever received this DiSC question? If so, how did you respond?

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

May 27, 2008

Bring DiSC to a Broader Range of Learners

Did you know there are two response style options for the Online DiSC Classic 2.0 Profile for those who have an EPIC Account?

1. DiSC Word Version—The respondent is presented with four words from which he/she chooses one that is "Most Like Me" and one that is "Least Like Me."

2. DiSC Phrase Version—The respondent is presented with four phrases from which he/she chooses one that is "Most Like Me" and one that is "Least Like Me."

The phrase option allows you to bring DiSC to a broader range of learners as the responses are written at a sixth-grade reading level. It's a great option to use with learners who speak English as a second language.

Both the word and phrase response versions produce the same DiSC Classic 2.0 Report and both response style reports may be used when generating DiSC Group Culture Reports.

Visit the EPIC Account Help section or call 800.278.1292 to learn how to select the DiSC Phrase response style for your Online DiSC Classic 2.0 Profiles.

Note: The Phrase Response version is also available for the DiSC General Characteristics Report.

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

Apr 29, 2008

Everything DiSC Sales Profile

One of the first things I learned when I started working at Resources Unlimited is that not everyone responds the same way to a sales pitch. While it was very enlightening and extremely helpful to learn the processes of selling to our customers, I had a personal experience, where I was the customer, that made me have one of those, “a-ha!” moments. It was then that I truly realized how different each person is and how every sales person needs DiSC training!

Recently, a new sales assessment was released called the Everything DiSC Sales Profile. This new DiSC profile is a 22-page report that uses a circular graph to show your location within the DiSC model. It was designed to help salespeople learn to communicate more effectively and improve their sales relationships by covering three main objectives:

  1. Understanding their own DiSC Sales Style
  2. Identifying and understanding their customer’s DiSC buying styles
  3. Adapting their DiSC Sales Style to meet their customer’s needs

Additionally, the Everything DiSC Sales Profile also includes post-training reinforcement with five personalized Customer Interaction Maps.

To enhance the DiSC assessment, an entire sales training program was developed. The Everything DiSC Sales Program provides everything necessary to deliver valuable DiSC Sales Training using the Everything DiSC Sales Profile.

Have YOU tried the new Everything DiSC Sales Report and/or Sales Program? If so, we would love to hear about your success stories. Please comment below or contact us at 515/278.1292 or info@ResourcesUnlimited.com.

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

Apr 21, 2008

Resources Unlimited's Helpful Audio Descriptions For Inscape Publishing's Products and Services

Recently we have been experimenting with new ways to enhance the visitor experience on our website. We chose a couple of topics that are frequently questioned and recorded some helpful audio descriptions. We know that you don’t always have time to attend a webinar on a specific topic of interest. These descriptions were designed with respect of your time in mind, as the longest one is 4:19 in run time. Currently, we have three topics posted. I have included short description of each below:

1. EPIC – How to assign an access code – Click here to log in to your EPIC Account and follow along!
2. EPIC – Learn about how an EPIC Account can benefit you
3. DiSC Certification – Learn about your options for becoming a certified DiSC Trainer

Are there any specific topics that YOU think would be helpful to cover in an audio description? If so, please leave your request in a comment, or feel free to contact us using the information below:

Phone: 515.278.1292
Email: Info@ResourcesUnlimited.com\

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

Mar 12, 2008

DiSC Action Planners

Would you like a unique DiSC-based tool to keep DiSC alive in your organization? If so, use the DiSC Action Planners to Extend the Power of DiSC.

All of the action planners are available in a paper format or an online format. If you choose to use the online action planners, you can send them electronically through your EPIC Account!

DiSC Action Planners help people take the insights gained from DiSC and apply them to specific business applications. These concise, four- to six-page action planners provide a simple, cost-effective way to help employees focus on DiSC behaviors to learn how to interact more effectively with others and develop plans for achieving their goals. Choose from any of the following action planners:

DiSC Sales Action Planners are used to help sales people recognize potential customers' styles and choose the right selling strategy. They can also be used as a guide when preparing for a sales presentation.

DiSC Management Action Planners can be used to help managers recognize the styles of the people they manage and choose the right management strategy. They help managers plan actions to direct and support others. Additionally, they can be used whenever a manager prepares for interacting with an employee.

DiSC Customer Service Action Planners can be used to help customer service professionals recognize their customers' styles, choose the right servicing strategy, and adapt to the customer's style. They include tips on how to plan, initiate, and interact with the customer.

DiSC Managing Performance Action Planners are used to help managers recognize others' styles and choose the right management approach for managing performance. They help managers plan actions to direct and support another's performance. Additionally, they can be used whenever a manager prepares for interacting with a subordinate about his or her performance.

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited

Jan 14, 2008

Top 5 Things to Ask When Choosing a DiSC Profile

It’s common for people to have lots of DiSC questions when choosing a DiSC assessment to use. Below you will find a short list of some of the most important questions to ask.

1. Is it an Inscape Publishing assessment?Inscape Publishing is the pioneer and leading provider of assessment-driven classroom learning solutions that develop interpersonal skills such as:

Time Management
Conflict management

Every year, more than a million people worldwide learn how to work more effectively with others by using Inscape products. Their solution-focused programs, based on DiSC® and other recognized learning models, are used in thousands of organizations, large and small, including major government agencies and more than 135 of the Fortune 500. Our products have been translated into 24 different languages and are used in 50 countries.

2. Is it valid & reliable? – Resources Unlimited and Inscape Publishing are committed to maintaining the highest standards of instrument development and application through careful research and development processes. We ensure all of our DiSC® instruments offer valid scores and accurate feedback to the respondent. Each DiSC instrument is designed to provide reasonably accurate interpretations or feedback based on your scores. We have numerous research reports available for your review.

3. Is it backed by the power of EPIC? - EPIC is your virtual warehouse of over 40 online learning assessments including our best-seller, the Online DiSC Classic 2.0 Profile from Inscape Publishing! EPIC is an easy-to-use, password-protected, secure, web-based platform that allows you to assign access codes anytime of day or night to your participants for Inscape Publishing's online learning assessments.

4. Is customer service & staff readily available? – Our Customer Service Team is committed to helping you align training with your organization's strategy. We are eager to provide highly-qualified advice and support about our paper and online learning and training assessments, customized training and facilitation services, and certification programs. You'll feel relieved to hear our friendly voices each time you call. Our representatives are available from 8:00 am - 5:30 pm Central Time, Monday - Friday. Call us at 515.278.1292 or toll-free at 800.278.1292.

5. Does it come in different formats & offer other report options? – Most all of our assessments are available in both a paper and an online format. Additionally, many assessments have group and/or facilitator’s reports available, along with supplemental reports for advanced learning.

The DiSC Experts at Resources Unlimited