Using DiSC training tools after your participants have completed the DiSC Profile will help them remember the techniques you taught, and will reinforce DiSC learning in the organization.
One DiSC tool you can easily administer via email is the Reinforcing Your Understanding of Behavioral Styles Online Course. This DiSC-based course can be completed at the participant's own pace, and can be taken as frequently as necessary for 1 year.
Participants taking the online course will learn how to recognize DiSC behavioral styles by listening to the conversational style of others. For example, if the person asks a lot of "why" questions and takes time to think about what he is saying, most likely he has a high C behavioral style. Once you know the DiSC behavioral style, you can easily adapt your own behavior to more effectively communicate with others.
Participants will also learn to be aware of their behavioral style, and have strategies for adapting their DiSC behavioral style depending on the specific situation.
The course finishes by allowing participants to test their abilities. The participant will hear a person describing a situation. Her manner of speaking and the words that she chooses will indicate her behavioral style. Once the course participant chooses the correct behavioral style, he/she must choose the most appropriate way to deal with the situation.
View testimonials from our online course clients.
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