May 24, 2016

14 Management Do's and Don'ts to Motivate Employees

David Shedd published these 14 Managements Do's and Don'ts that every manager should know and practice everyday. Beware, they are difficult to put into practice in the moment but when you do your team will follow and respect you for it. The 14 Do's and Don'ts are as follows:

  1. Don't get angry
  2. Don't be cold, distant, rude or unfriendly
  3. Don't send mixed messages to your employees so that they never know where you stand
  4. Don't BS your team
  5. Don't act more concerned about your own welfare than anything else
  6. Don't avoid taking responsibility for your actions
  7. Don't jump to conclusions without checking your facts first
  8. Do what you say you are going to do when you are going to do it
  9. Do be responsive (return phone calls, emails)
  10. Do publicly support your people
  11. Do admit your mistakes
  12. Do recognize your team
  13. Do ask and listen
  14. Do smile and laugh
Which Don't are you doing? Which Do are you NOT doing? What are you going to do today and this week to make you a better leader? The only person responsible for your leadership is you. What are you going to do about it?

May 12, 2016