Oct 16, 2007

Customize Your DiSC Training With Six Supplemental Reports

Make your DiSC initiatives even more effective by using one or more of the six supplemental DiSC Classic 2 Plus Reports with the tried-and-true Online DiSC Classic 2.0.

The 6 supplemental reports include:
  1. Strategies for Creating a Positive Relationship - This report describes how to establish a relationship with the respondent that is based upon trust and mutual respect.
  2. Relating to People and the Environment - This report explains how the respondent interacts with peers and interprets his or her environment.
  3. Strategies for Managing - This report looks at ways in which people can most effectively manage the respondent.
  4. Approach to Managing Others - This report analyzes the respondent's management style and behavior toward subordinates.
  5. Strategies for Sales Management - This report examines the methods that people can best use to manage the respondent in a sales environment.
  6. Approach to Selling - This report describes how the respondent performs essential steps in the sales process.

These reports can be used a la carte based on your particular needs. Simply select one or more of the supplemental reports within your EPIC Account while assigning Online DiSC Classic 2.0 access codes. Resources Unlimited can also add these supplemental reports to any Online DiSC Classic 2.0 Profiles we generate for you. Questions? Call 515.278.1292 for more information.

Oct 15, 2007

Why An EPIC Account Is A Must-Have For DiSC Trainers

EPIC AccountAn EPIC Account gives DiSC trainers, coaches, consultants, and other busy professionals a simple way to deliver DiSC and other online EPIC profiles right on the Internet.

With EPIC you'll have access to the Online DiSC Classic 2.0 and all of Inscape Publishing's online learning assessments through your own secure EPIC Account. From your computer you can administer access codes that allow people to complete their DiSC assessments online.

Once a respondent completes their profile, the report is generated automatically and goes to the respondent or to you—you decide!

You'll also have access to group reports and can brand all reports with your own logo, company name, and contact information.

Resources Unlimited offers new EPIC clients a FREE EPIC Account with the purchase of just 300 EPIC Credits, and our customer service team will walk you through the features of your new EPIC Account by phone to get you started quickly.

Visit the EPIC Account page on the Resources Unlimited website where you'll find a list of the EPIC online assessments with samples you can download. You'll also be able to listen to an audio description of EPIC, and can order your new EPIC Account online.

How Can DiSC Help Your Organization?

DiSC Products from Resources UnlimitedWith 30 years of proven reliability and over 40 million users worldwide, the original DiSC Classic Profile is the most trusted learning assessment in the industry. Designed to complement and supplement existing training programs, DiSC Classic can help you bring out the best in your employees.

DiSC Solutions help employees at all levels:

  • Understand their own behavior and learn how and when to adapt their behavior
  • Improve communication and reduce conflict
  • Promote appreciation of differences
  • Enhance individual and team performances
Our interactive two-day DiSC Certification, December 5-6 in San Diego, will immerse you in the newest DiSC research and provides a way for you to demonstrate your commitment to employee performance and productivity.

DiSC Trainers will receive over $1,900 in DiSC training materials including ready-to-use, fully-scripted course outlines to create solutions for teambuilding, communication, conflict, interpersonal effectiveness, management, and sales.

You’ll also learn how to customize your own training, coaching, and consulting solutions based on the unique needs of your organization or clients.

Visit the Resources Unlimited website to learn more about DiSC Certification and checkout all of our upcoming dates and locations.

Oct 2, 2007

Train Frontline Managers More Effectively Using The Power of DiSC

idXready DiSC Frontline Management is a new, innovative training program from Inscape Publishing. DiSC Frontline Management provides DiSC trainers with a fully-scripted half-day training program that is perfect for those who are in a supervisory role or first-level management role. Trainers will also receive cutting-edge video that's built right into the PowerPoint presentation.

DiSC Frontline Management Video Sample

Click here to view the DiSC Frontline Management Video Sample

Click the image for Sample PowerPoint, Leaders's Guide, Workbook, & Video (See slide 7 for video sample)

DiSC Frontline Management Participants Will:

  • Learn four different approaches to management
  • Discover their own unique management style
  • Understand their unique strengths and challenges as managers
  • Recognize how they manage when communicating, delegating, directing people, developing people, decision-making, managing time, problem-solving, motivating others
  • Identify different responses to their management strengths and understand how strengths can be overused
  • Create individual action plans based on their unique management strengths and challenges to aid them in managing productively and effectively

Visit the Resources Unlimited site for information on idXready DiSC Frontline Management and to order this powerful facilitation package today!